To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate?: Sexual Health, Decision-making and Vaccination

Vaccination Talks Toolkit
11, 12

What Is It All About?

This activity allows participants to refine their understanding of the possible impact of Sexually Transmitted and Blood Born Infections (STBBIs) on lifelong health and the impact their choices and decisions have on others in intimate relationships, including personal choices and decisions about available vaccinations.

Curriculum Connections

1, C1, C2

Why Do It?

Engaging participants in making decisions about action and decisions related to their sexual health, including vaccinations, enables them to apply decision-making skills that positively impact their sexual health and relationships across their lifespan.

How Do We Do It?

  • Create a Myths and Facts sheet about STBBIs and the role of vaccinations. Use a Quiz-Quiz-Trade strategy for participants to identify myths and facts about STBBIs and to gauge their prior learning and current knowledge.  
  • Create Intimacy Cards (one set/group) that contain images and/or words related to actions and decisions that impact intimate relationships such as mutual respect, communication, shared decision making, knowing each other’s bottom line, consent, substance use, STBBI testing, protection against unintended pregnancy, vaccinations to reduce/eliminate transmission of infectious diseases. Each card contains one word or action related to sexual health and decisions, including decisions related to available vaccinations.  Consider accessing websites such as and for sample images/words related to various actions/decisions related to sexual intimacy for the intimacy cards.  
  • Have participants assemble into small groups of 3-4 and provide each group with a set of intimacy cards. Provide groups with sufficient time for discussion and to rank/order the cards in relation to the importance of the action/decision to maintain their sexual health and a healthy intimate relationship.  
  • Have groups share their thinking about how they ordered their cards with the larger group, noting how cards are ranked in similar or different positions. Use the sharing to facilitate a large group discussion about the importance of each action/decision and its implication for an individual’s lifelong sexual health and their ability to build and maintain healthy intimate relationships. 

What Else Do We Need?

  • STBBI Myths and Facts sheet 
  • Intimacy Cards (one set per group) 

How Do We Get Creative?

  • Have participants tour their Sexual Health Wellness Clinic to familiarise themselves with available community resources and supports. 
  • Provide participants with additional time to explore resources about sexual health, infectious diseases, and the role of vaccinations to help them make informed personal choices and decisions about vaccinations.