Batter’s Bonanza
Bull’s Eye
Clear and Tip Rally
Farmers Shepherding Sheep
Flying Chicken Baseball
Four Corners
Keep It Up
Using PlaySport in an Intramural Setting
PlaySport activities can be adapted for use in an intramural setting. There are multiple features on each activity card to support intramural facilitators in selecting activities to engage all participants in safe and meaningful play, including: Diverse activities that can be adapted for various...
PlaySport for After-School Leaders
PlaySport is an excellent resource for the delivery of game-based activities in after-school settings. The activities included within PlaySport are fun, engaging, and inclusive of all participants at various levels of physical ability. They are designed to help build physical literacy and are...
Before using the activity cards within PlaySport, consult with your provincial, territorial, regional and/or organization’s safety guidelines. For the Ontario Standards, consult the Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Education (OPASSE). OPASSE represents the minimum (minimum does not...
Race to the Base
Sitting Volleyball Mini Courts
Targets Away!
Wicket Cricket
Apples to Bucket
Beanbag Boccia
Ophea Positions to Support Re-Imagining H&PE
As a subject matter association for Health and Physical Education (H&PE) in Ontario, Ophea is proud to formally announce the release of two new advocacy statements in advance of the upcoming 2023/2024 school year: Re-Imagining Gender in H&PE and Re-Imagining Disability in H&PE . These statements are...