Walking Wednesday

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

Students create a walking track around the school. During a specified time throughout the day, classes take turns on the track walking or running for 20 minutes.

Why Do It?

Take a break from learning and get that heart pumping every Wednesday with your walking program.

How Do We Do It?

Student leaders and/or students create a walking track around the school.

Students walk/run the track and after each lap receive a craft stick, distributed by a teacher.

Homeroom teachers report their classes’ total kilometers through an online form or on a bulletin board tracking sheet.

What Else Do We Need?

  • Craft sticks
  • Track cards
  • Pylons

How Do We Get Creative?

Increase or decrease the intensity of the locomotor movements.

Classes track their total distances and record them on a map, to show an equivalent distance across Canada.

Invite parents/caregivers, local sports teams, community members, or local celebrities to join the classes when they walk/run.