Activities for Parent Night

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

Student leaders and members of the community lead parents through an activity sessions during Parent Night to promote healthy eating.

Why Do It?

Demonstrate some of the work that is being done to promote healthy eating at the school.

How Do We Do It?

Student leaders facilitate a healthy eating session for parents to participate in during a Parent Night.

Student leaders identify one or two activities to share and promote prior to the evening so parents arrive prepared and on time.

Consider connecting with community health and nutrition professionals, local public health, or parents to lead additional healthy eating activities (e.g., 5-minute meals, eating local, foods from various countries).

What Else Do We Need?

Various equipment depending on the activities selected by the students (e.g., blenders, healthy food)

How Do We Get Creative?

Include activities from a recent area of learning in health.

Have students serve parents healthy snacks throughout the evening.