Lucky Draw Fitness Buddy Relay

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

One student leader draws a card and fitness buddies work together to perform an on-the-spot physical activity for a number of repetitions as identified by the face value of the card.

Why Do It?

Improve your personal fitness while working with your fitness buddy by performing these on-the-spot physical activities inspired by playing cards.

How Do We Do It?

Fitness buddies work with other pairs in groups of 4–6.

Each group lines up in single file at one end of the activity area.

A student leader shows the top card from the deck. The number shown (e.g., four) represents how many times students must complete each on-the-spot physical activity: push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. Be sure to allocate numbers 11 for “jack”, 12 for “queen”, 13 for “king”, and 1 for “joker.”

The first student in each group runs 1/3 of the activity area, stops, and performs a number of squats equal to the number shown on the card. Once finished with Stop One, the student shouts “Go!” and the next person in line begins.

The first student then runs another 1/3 of the activity area, stops, and performs the same number of push-ups.

Each student finishes by running to the end of the activity area, stopping, and doing the same number of jumping jacks. They then run back to their team and join the end of the line.

Repeat the activity, showing a new card to the students who went first for each group.

What Else Do We Need?

A deck of playing cards

How Do We Get Creative?

Modify activities to increase or decrease the level of intensity.

Increase or decrease the length of the activity area.

Make sure to keep group sizes small (4–6 students each).

Remember, many students may have underdeveloped strength and overall fitness, so start with simple activities and build to more challenging ones.