Create a Meme

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

Create a short and effective message by placing captions on pictures (often well-known images) to get your point across. Share your image around the school. Messages could include healthy relationships, safe space, consent, or positive body image.

Why Do It?

Memes can be a way to use popular culture to deliver a message. They’re short, can go viral, and can cause people to view an issue in a different light. Remember to keep it positive and make sure the images you use are appropriate!

How Do We Do It?

Find/take a photo that you think could catch people’s attention. Remember, if you take photos of people, you need their consent before you can use that photo.

Memes are often successful when they use a well-known scene (like from an ad, movie, or TV show) or feature a celebrity. Animal pictures are also popular. Who doesn’t love a kitten?

Determine the message you want to get across.

Work with an adult ally to share the meme via the school social media accounts.

Ask followers to like and share the meme to amplify the message.

Include a link to an existing resource for further information (e.g., to one of the partner resources or web page).

What Else Do We Need?

  • Computer
  • Graphics program
  • Social networks
  • Optional: Camera/cell phone

How Do We Get Creative?

Challenge others to create their own memes.

Have a contest to see whose meme gets the most likes and shares. Feel free to work in teams and have several people post the same meme!

Adapted from Freeze the Industry: A smoke-free youth initiative by the East Tobacco Control Area Network.