Cannabis Trivia Challenge

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

Use your school announcements to challenge each class to a Cannabis Trivia Challenge to raise awareness and understanding about cannabis-related topics.

Why Do It?

Engaging the whole school in a friendly competition contributes to school spirit and increases participants’ knowledge, which will help them make healthier choices, and serves as a starting point for open and honest conversations about cannabis.

How Do We Do It?

Work with your team and your adult ally to create challenging questions and answers about cannabis topics (e.g., edibles, mental health, effects, consequences). You can find more information about cannabis in Ophea’s Cannabis Resource Database.

Decide when and for how long you will run your Cannabis Trivia challenge (e.g., every day for one week, once a week for a month).

Decide on how you will collect answers from each class.

Determine who will take responsibility for different roles throughout the challenge (e.g., reading the questions, gathering the answers and tallying challenge scores, and announcing winners).

Consider awarding prizes to the classes who answer the most trivia questions correctly throughout the challenge. For example, they might receive an extra activity period or extra time in the gym during breaks throughout the school day.

Ideas for Use in a Variety of Settings

Use available technology and/or a game-based learning platform to create your Cannabis Trivia Challenge.

Have participants play online.

Consider having participants play alone or as a team.

Use your school media platforms to promote the event and share results.

What Else Do We Need?

  • A master sheet of questions and correct answers about the effects of cannabis on the body.
  • A designated time on the daily announcements for the question of the day.
  • A method for gathering, scoring, and recording responses.
  • Access to the gymnasium during a school break.
  • Prizes (if desired)

How Do We Get Creative?

Create the challenge using Google forms to collect all the questions and answers in one place for immediate scoring and announcing the daily winner.

Have the class who answers the daily question first create the next day’s question.

Run the challenge as part of a larger school event or as a lead-up to a nationally recognized day such as Weedless Wednesday or World Health Day.