4 Corners Baseball

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

Participants work in pairs to learn truths and myths about cannabis. Partners attempt to move around all four corners of a room (the bases) and complete fitness activities to get to home base (where they started) and score one point.

Why Do It?

This adaptation of the traditional game of baseball gets participants moving while collaborating to discern the facts from the myths about cannabis.

How Do We Do It?

Create a series of statements about cannabis that are each either a truth or a myth.

Post directions for 2–3 fitness activities in each of the four corners of a room.

Have participants pair up and move to one of the four corners of the room. Make sure that each corner has about the same number of pairs to make it easier for movement around the space.

Before starting the game, have pairs review and try each fitness activity. Remember to provide instructions about how to perform each fitness activity and clarify any safety rules. Try to provide different kinds of or modifications for activities at each base in order to accommodate different abilities of participants.

Have the activity leader (a student or adult ally) read aloud a statement about cannabis that is either a truth or a myth.

Have pairs collaborate to decide if the statement is true or a myth. If they think the statement is true, they remain standing, and if they think the statement is a myth they crouch down.

If a pair is correct, they move clockwise to the next base (corner). If they are not correct, they remain at the same base (corner).

Have pairs choose and complete one of the posted fitness activities at their base before reading the next statement.

When pairs make it around all four corners and back to their original base they score one point, high-five each other, and shout out “Way to go!”

Ideas for Use in a Variety of Settings

Use a shared document with your team members to create your truth or myth statements about cannabis and select the fitness activities for each of the four corners (bases). Design your 4 Corners Baseball game by creating a diagram of four bases and a list of activities at each of the four bases to post online for participants to access during the game. Note that wherever participants start is their home base, and the other corners in counter-clockwise order are their first, second, and third bases.

Use your school media platforms to promote your event and invite participants to join your virtual 4 Corners Baseball game. Consider having participants play individually or in teams.

Use available technology to host your virtual 4 Corners Baseball game. Post your 4 Corners Baseball diagram for participants to access and explain and demonstrate the activities at each base. To begin the game, have participants start at their home base and advance when they correctly identify a statement as truth or myth. Participants can shout out their answers on a count down from the host (e.g., on the count of 3 participants shout out “truth” or “myth”). If they get the answer correct, they advance to the next base; if incorrect, they remain at the same base. Before reading the next statement, have all participants complete a fitness activity of their choosing from those listed at their base.

What Else Do We Need?

How Do We Get Creative?

Play music while pairs are discussing their answer to the statements and while completing the fitness tasks.

Have all participants in the same corner work as a team to determine if statements are truth or myth and move around the bases.

Have participants use different movements to get from one base to another (e.g., skipping, lunges, side shuffle)

Run a giant game of 4 Corners Baseball using an outdoor space to raise awareness about cannabis.

Have participants create their own truth and myths to contribute to the game.