Consent Tea Party

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

Using the simple analogy “consent is as easy as a cup of tea” students can host a tea party grounded in talk about consent and healthy boundaries.

Why Do It?

Creates a safe space to talk about consent in an easy to understand way.

How Do We Do It?

Find the video “Consent is as Easy as a Cup of Tea” on YouTube.

Be sure to preview the video to ensure you play the version without profanity.

Review the analogy about consent with the group. Does it make sense to everyone? Does anyone have any questions?

Work together to make tea and snacks and spend your tea party discussing the video’s analogy to tea and consent.

What Else Do We Need?

  • Tea and snacks
  • Computer, speakers, and projector

How Do We Get Creative?

Partner with a community organization that focuses on sexual violence prevention and host a fundraising tea party, with all funds going to the organization.

Invite parents and adult partners to the tea party to open the discussion on consent further.

Adapted from: The Students Commission of Canada (The Canada We Want Conference), March 2017.