Flash Mob

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

Show up in a public space with a large group of people and have everyone do the same thing at the same time.

Why Do It?

It commands attention so you can send a message. It makes people stop and look at what you’re doing.

How Do We Do It?

As a group, decide on a message.

Pick an activity for your flash mob that suits your message (e.g., group freeze, song, dance, chant, tableau).

Work with your adult ally to decide on a date and location. Think about who you want to see your message and the best place to share it. Work with the community and school for permission.

Recruit mob members through the school social media accounts, PA announcements, and the school newsletter.

Double-check your location and consider a back-up option in case of rain.

Give everyone clear instructions (it could be a printed sheet, or an example video on YouTube showing what you want to do).

Do your flash mob!

For examples, use the key words “flash mobs” to search online for images and videos of a variety of flash mobs.

What Else Do We Need?


How Do We Get Creative?

Buy, make, or borrow costumes, props, and face paint in coordinating colours.

Call the media.

Get signatures on a pledge.

Record the event and post it online.