Four Pillars

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

This activity involves a discussion around four pillars of safe space (respect, listen, understand, communicate) to help define some core values and beliefs with your team.

Why Do It?

Growth and development topics, such as sexual health and body image, are not always easy topics to talk about. This activity can help put everyone at ease and create a safe space by getting the conversation started, facilitating the beginning of a team meeting, and/or kicking off an event.

How Do We Do It?

Take a look at the Students Commission’s Four Pillars for inspiration.

Provide markers and poster paper and write the pillars at the top of the poster sheet (one pillar per sheet) and hang them around the room.

Invite everyone to walk around with a marker and write words or sentences about what each pillar sounds like, feels like, and looks like to them.

Have a discussion about what was written on the poster sheets.

Hang the poster sheets during meetings and events.

What Else Do We Need?

  • Paper
  • Markers

How Do We Get Creative?

Consider splitting up your group into smaller groups and assign a pillar for them to discuss and have them present back to the group through a skit – if possible, have props available.

Adapted from Students’ Commission of Canada - Four Pillars.