Healthy “T” Day Challenge

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

In a healthy snacking challenge, student leaders encourage students to bring healthy snacks to school over the course of the challenge.

Why Do It?

Eating healthy snacks is an important part of overall healthy eating. Making an event or challenge around the concept helps make it fun and relatable for students.

How Do We Do It?

Encourage all Students to bring in a healthy snack to eat on days that start with the letter “T” (i.e., Tuesday and Thursday).

Remind and encourage Students to bring healthy snacks by making announcements and having Students create posters of the benefits of healthy snacking that can be displayed around the school.

What Else Do We Need?

Nothing we can think of! Feel free to be creative.

How Do We Get Creative?

Consider having an inter-class contest to see how many weeks in a row all students can have a healthy snack on "T" days.

Consider having students share a favourite healthy snack idea and create a Super Snacks Booklet to take home.

To increase access to vegetables and fruit, provide a sharing bowl in the classroom to which volunteers can donate vegetables and fruit for other students to try.