A Mental Health PSA

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

Students explore a mental health concept of their choice and share it with their school and community through a public service announcement (PSA).

Why Do It?

Now that you know what’s important when it comes to mental health, it’s time to share your knowledge! Working in a small group, create a PSA for an area of mental health that interests you.

How Do We Do It?

Students work in small groups of 4–5.

Each group selects one mental health concept they would like to explore. Imagine if they could only tell their classmates one positive item on the topic, what would it be? Ensure the messages focus on promoting positive mental health.

Working in their groups, students write 30–60 second PSA to be read over the announcements, to promote mental health awareness related to the concept that interests their group.

Consult with your teacher or school mental health professionals, local mental health and addiction service providers, health promotion staff, or education professionals when creating your PSA content.

Be sure to include school or local resources in case students privately wish to reach out to for help.

What Else Do We Need?

  • Computer or electronic device
  • Paper
  • Recording equipment
  • Writing utensils

How Do We Get Creative?

Record your PSA to be shared through your school's social media.

Host your PSA in a place that can be accessed by parents and the community.