What Is it All About?
Student leaders and members of the community lead parents/caregivers through an activity session during Parent/Caregiver Night to promote physical activity and healthy, active living.
Why Do It?
Demonstrate some of the work that is being done to promote physical activity at the school.
How Do We Do It?
Student leaders facilitate a daily physical activity (DPA) session for parents/caregivers to participate in during a Parent/Caregiver Night.
Student leaders identify one or two activities to share and promote prior to the evening so parents/caregivers arrive prepared to move.
Consider connecting with community health professionals, local public health, or parents/caregivers to lead additional physical activities (e.g., Zumba, yoga, pick-up floor hockey).
What Else Do We Need?
Various equipment depending on the activities selected by the students (e.g., yoga mats, hockey sticks, balls)
How Do We Get Creative?
Have students demonstrate their abilities before parents/caregivers try an activity.
Teach parents/caregivers the importance of learning fundamental movement skills and how these are stepping-stones to physical activity.