Positive Sticky Notes

Ideas for Action
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What Is it All About?

Students write anonymous generic, positive messages on sticky notes and share them around the school.

Why Do It?

Share the love around the school with anonymous generic notes filled with kind and positive thoughts.

How Do We Do It?

Provide students with sticky notes to write positive messages on.

Students provide notes to their teacher or mental health lead, who reviews the content for appropriateness.

Student leaders then post the notes around the classroom or school.

What Else Do We Need?

  • Sticky notes
  • Writing utensils

How Do We Get Creative?

Have classes prepare anonymous notes for each other.

Have students from a high school prepare notes for the grade 8s of a feeder school.

Adapted from: Bounce Back … Again, 2nd Edition. Retrieved from https://phecanada.ca/sites/default/files/content/docs/teach-resiliency/bounce%20back%20booklet%202014%20web.pdf/sites/default/files/content/docs/teach-resiliency/bounce%20back%20booklet%202014%20web_0.pdf